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Why Need Extruder In The Process Of Rice Bran Pretreatment?

Technology News 2015-07-09 17:35:42
Oilseeds extrusion use extrusion equipment puffing oilseeds process after crushing, flaking or oilseeds conversion into porous.Rice bran after extrusion, puffing material density increase, tissue was completely destroyed, internal with more porosity, the surface has more free oil, grain size and mechanical strength increase, when oil extraction by solvent, to dramatically improve the permeability of oilseeds layer,increase leaching rate, reduce leaching time, so oil extractor yield increased by 30% to 50%.Puffing material particles in oil extraction solvent for the improvement of material layer permeability, make the wet meal after leaching  containing dissolved only is 60% green wet pulp , it can make wet meal desolventizing equipment production increase and wet meal desolventizing energy consumption greatly reduced.When wet meal desolventizing cluster phenomenon significantly reduced, this is that the cluster of vegetable protein in the process of expansion has been the reason for  the degeneration.
Rice bran in the process of expansion to blunt the fat oxidase, phospholipase, such as enzymes, oil extraction by solvent reduce acid value and content of nonhydratable phospholipids, leaching crude oil quality improvement. leaching crude oil by Puffing reduce content of nonhydratable phospholipids, make its  lecithin residual amount is reduced after hydration degumming, oil refining yield increase.At the same time using the expanded material  leaching oil get hydrated oil production yield increase of phospholipid and lecithin phospholipid content increase.So rice bran is typically by extrusion and then oil extraction by solvent, so as to ensure the quality of rice bran oil is better, higher practical value.
Henan huatai rice bran oil extraction technology includes extrusion section,we have obtained the patent of rice bran extruder pretreatment.

rice bran extruder pretreatment

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