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The Planting Area of Palm is Just One Ninth of Other Oil Plant

Technology News 2019-05-07 10:34:45
  A research result reported by Palm oil special working group from the International Union for Conservation of Nature IUCN shows that palm oil has a higher using rate of planting area than other vegetable oil which need nine times area to produce same quality oil as palm.

This research aims at giving response to the negative activities raised by Indonesia and other palm oil countries for forest destroying. Indonesia and Malaysia have the opinion that negative activities actually protect sunflower oil, soybean oil and other plant oil manufactures.

IUCN thinks that replacing palm oil with other vegetable oil will take larger land development, so that giving a big threat to animal variety.

“Palm oil is still needed, we need to take measures to develop sustainable palm oil production”, Erik presented in Djakarta Economic Coordination Office. “We need to ensure government, manufactures and supply chain all dedicated to achieve sustainable development.”

It is predicted that the demands for vegetable oil will reach 350 million tons(palm oil taking 35% of it). China, India and Indonesia are the top consumers.

Huatai Oil Machinery is a profession oil plant manufacture in China, we have experienced engineers in palm oil production line and turnkey project. We also focus on vegetable oilseeds preparation, oilseed pressing, solvent extraction and crude oil refining, having a good reputation all over the world.

Huatai Oil Machinery provides good quality oil mill plant, time & fast delivery, perfect after-sale services, and reasonable price, contact us!

Website: https://www.huataioilmachine.com/

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