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Oil content of various seeds and oilseed processing methods

Technology News 2019-05-17 17:44:17

Vegetable oil plays an important role in our daily life especially during the cooking. Edible oil is also used for baking and food processing. The palm oil is even used in shampoo for smooth.

The picture below show the oil content of different oilseed. Among the usually used oils, the peanut, sunflower seed, sesame seed have high oil content above 40%. For low oil content oilseeds such as soybean and rice bran, we usually choose solvent extraction to get oil.

Compared with traditional oil press way, nowadays, new-type oil press machine and solvent extraction technology using improve the oil yield. The refining section make crude oil clear and healthier.

Whether small-scale oil production or oil plant, you can find the suitable oil machinery form Huatai who concentrate on manufacturing and selling of world’s professional oil pressing, extraction and refining production lines, corn processing lines, grain conveyors, biodiesels over 25 years.

Huatai Oil Machinery provides good quality oil mill plant, time & fast delivery, perfect after-sale services, and reasonable price, contact us!

Website: https://www.huataioilmachine.com/

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