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The Advantage of Henan Huatai Flour Processing Equipment

Technology News 2016-01-06 14:51:31
Henna huatai flour processing equipment downtime can always clear material and anti-jam function, function to ensure normal operation of grinding equipment and grinding non-stop function automatic cleanup and a variety of different materials. Mixed, it demonstrated once into a powder residue, no circulation smash, to ensure uniformity of the various ingredients. Grinding machine feed particle size is not limited, it does not require crushing directly into the machine,and can adapt to different water content of the material, without with drying equipment.
Flour processing equipment can always adjust the product fineness, fineness uniform, without increasing the sifter for screening. Flour machine consumables used in all special wear-resistant material or carbide manufacturing, wear resistance, low cost replacement of wearing parts, and in line with international health standards for various products.
Flour processing equipment for non-cast material body, all-welded steel, flour machine in addition to a special cutting functions, synchronizing with a classifying means flour mill, the material crushed by the flow, by classifying device collection, classification devices typically replace sieve crushing equipment, can simultaneously pulverized and micronized sorting two machining processes, demonstrated a one-time into a powder residue, the yield was 100%.
Flour processing equipment consists of a fully functional wheat cleaning machine to enhance the tempering machine, round screen, leather core separation mill and other components. The unit is suitable for rural areas, towns, grain management, food markets, small and medium sized flour processing enterprises.
flour processing machinery

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