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The Technology of Corn Germ Oil Extraction Machinery

Technology News 2016-04-20 15:21:53
Corn germ oil press and corn oil refining process: oil pressing, especially corn germ involved should pay attention to the key treatment before links and in the process of pressing oil dredge and oil recovery, can effectively improve the ratio of grain and oil.Producing oil, containing a certain amount of saturated fatty acids, lipids, such as wax and cholesterol,And the glycerides of impurities such as free fatty acids, phospholipids, pigment and a small amount of protein colloidal substance.Also contains a certain pigment.So to get refined corn oil, also must pass dewaxing, deacidification, decoloration and deodorization process, etc.
Corn oil in pigment has two categories: one is the natural pigment, such as the carotenoids, lutein, such as chlorophyll, easy for the bleaching earth adsorption decolorization.Another kind is the formation of organicmatter decomposition product colors, brown and tan, not easy for the bleaching earth adsorption decolorization.
They are often in short pimps state dispersed in oil.Though some pigment be eliminated in the process of machining, but the rebound in larger extent.Made from corn oil processing usually takes the decoloring technique is used, a bleaching earth twice decoloring effect of decoloring process;Embryo for material processing, not in time for making oil color dark hair oil, decoloring is difficult,Can an decoloring decoloring process.The decolorization of corn oil in addition to its original taste of corn, and in the alkali refining in the "soap" brought about by the taste, decoloring "sushi" soil flavor, subject to further deodorization process make the corn oil in line with the requirements of flavor.
corn germ oil press

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