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Cold Pressing Technology in Edible Oil Processing

Technology News 2024-12-06 10:56:11

Cold pressing process has a unique and important position in the field of edible oil processing, the following is the introduction of the cold pressing process can retain the characteristic nutrients of fats and oils:

1. Overview of Cold Pressing Technology

Cold pressing is a unique and important method in oil extraction that differs from traditional hot pressing. It involves physically pressing oil crops at relatively low temperatures (usually below 60°C), avoiding high-temperature treatments such as steaming and frying. This process prevents the destruction of nutrients due to high temperatures, retaining the unique nutrients and natural flavors of the oil.

2. Retained Nutritional Components


Many oil crops are rich in various vitamins, such as vitamin E, a natural antioxidant beneficial for anti-aging and cardiovascular protection. High temperatures in hot pressing can decompose heat-sensitive vitamins like vitamin E, but the low temperatures of cold pressing help retain these vitamins, enhancing the nutritional value of the final edible oil.

Unsaturated Fatty Acids:

High-quality oils like olive oil and flaxseed oil are rich in unsaturated fatty acids, such as alpha-linolenic acid in flaxseed oil, which is essential for brain health and blood lipid regulation. Cold pressing prevents oxidation or structural changes of unsaturated fatty acids at high temperatures, preserving these beneficial components for better nutrient intake by consumers.

Plant Sterols:

These are similar in structure to cholesterol and can competitively inhibit cholesterol absorption in the human intestine, helping to reduce blood cholesterol levels and benefiting cardiovascular health. Cold pressing avoids the destruction or reduction of plant sterols due to high temperatures, ensuring the edible oil retains this health-beneficial component.
cold press oil machine

3. Advantages of Cold Pressing

Nutritional Aspect: By retaining the oil's unique nutrients, cold pressing provides more nutritious edible oil options, meeting the demand for healthier diets and the intake of beneficial nutrients.

Flavor Aspect: Besides nutrition, cold pressing preserves the natural flavors of the oil crops. For example, cold-pressed peanut oil retains a rich, thick peanut flavor, and cold-pressed sesame oil retains its unique sesame aroma, making cold-pressed oils more distinctive in taste and flavor, whether used in salads, low-temperature cooking, or direct consumption.
edible oil processing

4. Application and Development Prospects

Today, cold pressing is increasingly used in edible oil processing, especially for high-end products. With rising consumer health awareness and quality demands, the market share of cold-pressed oils is expected to expand further, driving continuous optimization and upgrading of related cold pressing technologies to better serve the edible oil processing industry and provide high-quality oils with retained nutrients and unique flavors.

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