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NFPA 36: The classic fire safety code of solvent extraction plant

Technology News 2024-04-16 15:18:23

NFPA36 (NFPA 36-Standard for Solvent Extraction Plants) is a safety code for the extraction plant industry issued and effective by the National Fire Protection Association Standards Committee. The code is a classic fire safety regulation for the oil and fat processing industry today and serves as an industry guide. It is widely used in the design, construction, operation, maintenance and transformation of the extraction plant, and the safety inspection of the government functional departments.

NFPA Technical Committee

After NFPA 36 was formally adopted in 1959, the specification was revised regularly by the Technical Committee of Solvent Extraction Plants. At present, the technical committee has 13 members and three substitutes. They are experts in the field of solvent Extraction. They represent the following groups: 1:four industry experts, 2: two insurance company, 3: four processing Representatives from ADM, Cargill, National Oilseed Processors Association (National Oilseed Processors Association), International Oil Mill Superintendents Assn. (International Oil Mill Superintendents Assn.), 4: 2 equipment Manufacturer, The first names are from Crown Corporation and Desmet Ballestra North America. 5: One is a full-time secretary of the National Fire Protection Association.

NFPA36 has two other requirements for committee members. One of the requirements is that the number of members of any industry organization shall not exceed one third of the total number of members. Another requirement is that no more than one committee member can serve in the same company (or a subsidiary of that company).

The original NFPA 36 technical committee included a permanent representative from the American Association of Oleochemists (AOCS). When the AOCS formulated a rule for the term of the chairman of the AOCS committee, the chairman of the AOCS only had a two-year term, and the AOCS gave up its representative on the committee. However, at this time, more than half of the 13 NFPA members were.

What's new in the current version of NFPA36?

After the advent of NFPA36, it is very important for designers, construction personnel, operators, inspectors and law enforcement personnel. It helps to reduce the risk of working in an environment full of dust or flammable gases in the solvent immersion factory. With the development of the industry, it has been revised in 1962, 1964, 1967, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1978, 1983, 1985, 1988, 1993, 1997, 2001, 2004, 2009, 2013 and 2017. The latest standard is 2021 Version.

NFPA 36 is constantly updated regularly to reduce the special hazards of using hydrocarbon solvents to extract fats and oils from agricultural products. The revision of each clause of NFPA 36 requires a vote of the technical committee and the approval of a 2/3 majority. The changes in the new version provide more information for the operators and designers of the solvent immersion plant, and make NFPA 36 easier to apply and implement.

Updates to the relevant NFPA regulations, such as NFPA 30, Flammable and Flammable Liquids Regulations, from the 2015 edition to the 2021 edition. NFPA 69, Explosion-Proof System Standard, the 2014 edition has become the 2019 edition.

Some professional terms

Clarified the fixed monitoring device of the extraction workshop

Scope of application

1.1 This standard applies to the commercial large-scale extraction and processing of animal and vegetable oils using Class I flammable hydrocarbon liquids (hereinafter referred to as "solvents"). "A.1.1 the extraction process using flammable liquids may fall within the scope of NFPA 30 "Code for Flammable and Flammable Liquids", but not within the scope of NFPA 36. Please refer to this document for guidance.

1.2 This standard is also applicable to any equipment and buildings within 30 meters (100 feet) from the extraction workshop.

1.3 This standard also applies to the unloading, storage and transportation of solvents, regardless of the distance between the solvent warehouse and the extraction workshop.

1.4 This standard shall also apply to the process of transporting the leached materials from the pretreatment to the extraction workshop.

1.5 This standard is also applicable to the treatment process of wet meal and mixed oil in the extraction workshop.

1.6 This standard is also applicable to the process in which the material is connected to the extraction workshop via the conveyor through the pretreatment and the meal is processed from the extraction workshop through the conveyor to the post-processing of the meal, no matter how far the intermediate distance is.

1.7 This standard does not apply to the storage of raw materials or finished products. A.1.7 See NFPA 61 "Standard for Fire Prevention and Dust Explosion Prevention of Agricultural and Food Processing Facilities".

1.8 This standard does not apply to extraction processes that use water-soluble liquids.

1.9 This standard does not apply to extraction processes that use flammable gas, liquefied petroleum gas and non-flammable gas.

1.10 This standard shall prohibit the use of oxygen-active compounds that are sensitive to heat or shock, such as certain organic peroxides, in the areas specified in 1.2.

Among the four major international grain companies, ADM, Bunge, and Cargill, the three wholly-owned or joint ventures in China, are all in compliance with NFPA 36. The newly-built factories of COFCO, China Grain Reserves Group Ltd. Company, Yihai Kerry, Bunge, and Cargill are compared with domestic enterprises, The extraction workshop is equipped with a foam rain shower system, a sweeping fan is added, a flame arrestor and a pressure relief valve are added to the underground solvent tank, an automatic flapper valve is added to the extractor feed, and the process parameters are automatically controlled, interlocked, alarmed, and emergency. The stop setting is stricter.

China’s extraction oil plant fire safety code SBJ04-91 was compiled by the industrial management company run by the former Ministry of Commerce. Since its promulgation in 1991, the oil leaching industry has undergone earth-shaking changes. The processing capacity of the extraction plant has Dozens of tons and hundreds of tons per day have now reached 5,000 and 6,000 tons per day. The construction scale of the plant, the turnover of solvents, and the inventory have also undergone major changes. The original brick and tile structure has become a steel structure, and the automation level of the plant and oil plant has also been greatly improved. The domestic industry standards are not applicable to the guidance of the extraction industry.

NFPA® 36 Standard for Solvent Extraction Plants, 2021 Edition

Chapter 1 Administration

1.1 Scope.

1.2 Purpose.

1.3 Application.

1.4 Retroactivity.

1.5 Equivalency.

1.6 Units and Formulas.

1.7 Code Adoption Requirements.

Chapter 2 Referenced Publications

2.1 General.

2.2 NFPA Publications.

2.3 Other Publications.

2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections.

Chapter 3 Definitions

3.1 General.

3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.

3.3 General Definitions.

Chapter 4 General Requirements

4.1 Scope.4.2 Noncombustible Material.

4.3 Basic Operating Requirements.4.4 Sources of Ignition.

4.5 Housekeeping.

4.6 Solvent Transfer Equipment.4.7 Piping, Valves, and Fittings.4.8 Exits.

4.9 Fire Protection.4.10 Start-Up of Extraction Process.

4.11 Emergency Procedures.

4.12 Repairs in Restricted and Controlled Areas When Plant Is Operating or Not Purged.

4.13 Repairs in Restricted and Controlled Areas When Plant Is Shut Down and Purged.

Chapter 5 Bulk Solvent Unloading and Storage

5.1 Scope.

5.2 Location and Siting.

5.3 Design and Construction.

5.4 Fire Protection Equipment.

5.5 Sources of Ignition.

5.6 Unloading Procedures.

Chapter 6 Preparation and Meal Finishing Processes

6.1 Scope.

6.2 Design and Construction.

6.3 Electrical Systems.

6.4 Dust Removal.

6.5 Tramp Metal.

6.6 Dryer Shutdown.

6.7 Hot Work.

6.8 Use of Power Tools.

Chapter 7 Extraction Process

7.1 Scope.

7.2 Location and Siting.

7.3 Design and Construction.

7.4 Drainage and Spill Control.

7.5 Conveying Systems.

7.6 Cooling Towers.

7.7 Electrical Systems.

7.8 Ventilation Systems.

7.9 Ignition Sources and Heating.

7.10 Flammable Vapor Detection.

7.11 Lightning Protection

7.12 Static Electricity.

Chapter 8 Extraction Process Equipment

8.1 Scope.

8.2 Venting.

8.3 Conveying Systems for Solids.

8.4 Extractors, Desolventizers, Toasters, Dryers, and Spent Flake Conveyors.

8.5 Grinders.

8.6 Miscella Filters.

8.7 Wastewater Evaporation.

8.8 Pressure Vessels and Tanks.

8.9 Heat Exchangers, Condensers, and Flash Drums.

8.10 Process Controls.

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