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Grain Tech 2017 17th Egypt International Exhibition Fair

Huatai News 2017-02-16 13:26:01
Henan Huatai Cereals and Oils Machinery Co., Ltd. will attend Grain Tech 2017 17th Egypt International Exhibition for Cereals and Processing Equipment,exhibits involve flour mill, rice mill and other grain processing machine, silo, packaging machine, and edible oil machine, etc.This fair is held from Feb 20-22,Welcome to visit our booth!
Exhibition name:
 Grain Tech 2017 17th International Exhibition Fair

Location:International Fair Ground-Hall 19-Cairo-Egypt.

Time:11:00am-19:00pm 20th-22th Feb. 

Booth location: On the right side of the entrance.

Huatai Oil Machinery provides good quality oil mill plant, time & fast delivery, perfect after-sale services, and reasonable price, contact us!

Website: https://www.huataioilmachine.com/

Copyright @ Henan Huatai Cereals And Oils Machinery Co.,Ltd.