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The operation principles of the oil screw press/expeller

Huatai News 2019-08-23 15:51:01

Continuous pressing by means of expellers (also known as screw presses) is a widely applied process for thee extraction of oil from oilseeds and nuts . It replaces the historical method for the batch wise extraction of oil by mechanical or hydraulic pressing. The expeller consists of a screw (or worm),rotating inside a cylindrical cage (barrel). The material to be pressed fed between the screw and the barrel and propelled by the rotating screw in direction parallel to the axis. The configuration of the screw and its shaft is such that the material is progressively compressed as it moves on, towards the discharge end of the cylinder. The compression effect can be achieved, for example, by decreasing the clearance between the screw shaft and the cage (progressive or step-wise increase of the shaft diameter ) or by reducing the length of the screw flight in the direction of the axial movement The gradually increasing pressure releases the oil which flows out of the press through the lots provided on the periphery of the barrel, while the press-cake continues move in the direction of the shaft, towards a discharge gate installed at the other extremity of the machine.

Huatai Cereals and Oils Machinery has a wide range of plants such as oilseed pressing, solvent extraction, crude oil refining as well as Grain Milling Machines(wheat, cereal, beans and corn). If you want to establish oil factory, flour mill plant, livestock feed equipment and more questions for grain processing machinery, Huatai will help you to find best solution.

Huatai Oil Machinery provides good quality oil mill plant, time & fast delivery, perfect after-sale services, and reasonable price, contact us!

Website: https://www.huataioilmachine.com/

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