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50T/D Cottonseed Oil Solvent Extraction Processing Line In Tajikistan

cottonseed oil extraction  

Raw material: cottonseed oil cake
Capacity: 50T/D
Because Huatai machinery high quality cottonseed oil solvent extraction plant and perfect after-sale service, customers through a number of contrast and decide to signe 50T / D Cottonseed Oil Solvent Extraction Processing Line contract with Henan Huatai.
Henan Huatai has successfully set up 50 ton per day cottonseed oil solvent extraction plant in Tajikistan. The whole cottonseed oil solvent extraction plant covers complete production line of extraction system, desolventizing and toasting system, evaporation system, condensation system.Now,the project has begun production of crude cottonseed oil successfully.

Huatai Oil Machinery provide good quality of soya bean oil extarction machine, on time & fast delivery, perfect after-sale services and reasonable price, contact us!

Website: https://www.huataioilmachine.com/

Copyright @ Henan Huatai Cereals And Oils Machinery Co.,Ltd.