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Grain Processing

Wheat milling is a complex process aimed at converting wheat grains into wheat flour suitable for different needs and separating out the by-products. This process mainly includes the following key steps and principles:

  • Crushing and grinding: First, by crushing the wheat grains and grinding them step by step, scrape off the endosperm on the bran flakes, and then grind the endosperm into flour of a certain fineness. The core of this step is to separate the endosperm from the wheat bran and wheat germ.
  • Separation principle: The key to the milling process is to separate the endosperm from the bran and wheat germ as completely as possible. The quality of flour, especially the ash content, is an important criterion for measuring the quality of the milling process. High-precision flour requires low ash content, so more grinding passes and less force are required to increase the particle size difference between endosperm and bran after grinding.
  • Peel grinding system: responsible for peeling the wheat grains and separating them into wheat residue, oatmeal, wheat heart, and coarse flour. The subsequent milling scrapes the wheat residue, wheat heart, and meal from the bran flakes, and keeps the bran flakes from being overly broken to maximize the separation of endosperm and bran.
  • Heart grinding system: Process the wheat grains with wheat husks separated from the skin grinding or flour cleaning system to separate the wheat husks and endosperm, extract the better quality wheat heart and coarse powder, and send them to the heart grinding system to grind them into powder.
  • Slag grinding system: Process the flour grains with wheat hulls to separate the wheat hulls and endosperm, and extract better quality wheat heart and coarse flour.
  • Powder cleaning system: Using the combined action of air sieves, the pure powder grains, bran powder grains, and bran chips coming from the skin grinding system are separated and sent to the corresponding grinding system for processing.
  • By-products: As a by-product of flour milling, wheat germ has a high nutritional value and can be further developed and utilized as a highly nutritious food resource.

Through the above steps, wheat is processed into wheat flour suitable for different needs, while by-products such as wheat germ are separated. The entire milling process is a purely physical process that involves a cycle of multiple steps to ensure the quality and purity of the flour.

Corn flour milling is a process of processing corn into starch or corn flour, which mainly involves grinding, sieving, flour cleaning, and other steps. This process includes the following key stages:

  • Material selection and cleaning. The corn is first washed to remove dust, impurities, and unnecessary parts (such as the husks). Soak to soften. The washed corn kernels will be soaked to promote softening, and substances such as sodium sulfite may be added during the soaking process.
  • Grind and separate. Specialized equipment such as vertical grinders and flow plate sedimentation methods are used to grind the corn into a slurry and further separate the germ and endosperm.
  • Starch extraction and post-processing. Wet corn starch is obtained through precipitation, drying, and other steps, and these starches can be further processed into different products, such as corn vermicelli.

Throughout the entire processing process, a variety of equipment and techniques are used to ensure that corn is effectively processed into high-quality starch or flour.

Grain Processing Machinery

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